Glam Bathroom

We always have one major focal point in a room, and in this space we chose the tile. I have no idea how or why I thought of this tile idea, but i did and it was a ton of fun (and complex!) to execute. I’d never seen it done before so to explain to my client was a bit humorous, actually. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the floor to wall transitions curve, as does from wall-to-wall. I wanted to make sure we didn’t have any trim and wanted the walls to blend in with the floor so that the focus was on the unique shape created by the grey tile.

Of course that meant we had to cut a curve into anything that butted up against the walls, meaning the back of the vanity and shower glass.

I also made sure not to have a shower curb as that’d have taken your eye away from the shape and seamless wall to floor transitions.