Psych! I only have 2. But that headline grabbed ya, didn't it. Honestly though, if 2 is enough, why subject yourself to more decisions? You have enough when designing your house, don't you?
Without further adieu, here are my 2 go-to white paint colors.
1: Bowline from Nautica. NT595. I first discovered it at Menard's, but I realize that's not global. Try looking it up at I use this white the most. It's warm yet crisp and bright. I don't like clinical whites. This is the white in my house in case you're wondering. Case in point below. My hallway. But don't go by pictures and computer screens as they vary so so so much. Go get yourself a sample and see if you like it in YOUR HOME.

2. Tallgrass N129: by Pittsburgh Paints, Grand Distinctions. This is a brighter white than Bowline, but it still isn't clinical by any means. Whatever you do, do NOT use the Grand Distinctions line of paint by Pittsburgh. It's awful. It comes out like thick molasses and you can't roll it worth crap. Why they even manufacturered it is beyond me. Helloooo, user testing anyone?
So which brands of paints do I like? Well, my favorite wall paint is Dutch Boy's Dura Clean in satin. WALL PAINT folks. It's super affordable, easy to apply and scrubs nicely. (I have 3 kids and an all-white house. Trust me, I know.) My favorite brand of paint for specialty projects (windows, trim, doors, etc) is Sherwin Williams and they are happy to match my Bowline and Tallgrass chips for me whenever I go in!